Thursday, February 1, 2018


Avant-garde: (noun) New or experimental ideas and methods in art, music or literature. 

Art is a widely subjective topic that traverses every continent on this earth. No matter how talented we are, pretty much everyone practises some form of art without even realising. The way you do your make-up? That's art. Even the way you plate up your dinner can be considered art (weird, I know right!) Typically, people tend to lump together particular 'styles' of art. Whether it's being an 'American painter' or an 'African artist', culturally, art from certain continents is believed to have similar characteristics and is viewed as art from that certain culture. 

The peak of the avant-garde movement saw predominantly white males document and solidify their masterpieces in art history. London's October Gallery first coined the term 'Transvangarde' in the 80's, choosing to exhibit works of art from outside Europe. To this day the gallery continues the Transvangarde movement by exhibiting avant-garde art by women, PoC and LGBTQI communities. 

Transvangarde is the belief that artists don't belong to one 'culture' but rather belong to all. There is no barriers or boundaries, art belongs to everyone. Art is a freeform tool of self-expression and this movement is helping put art back into the hands of those with stories to tell. 

Take a look at some of the best pieces below: 
