I can't count the number of times the tiny little black hands have zoomed around the numerical face of the clock, since I have last read a book that excited me. Books hold a certain charm, an alluring essence, that always entices me to read. Yet the books I find myself stuck into the most are never ones that I buy from a book-store. They always come from the back of op-shops from a dusty old table or are stolen from my mothers bookshelf.
It had been paining me lately that I was too busy with my growing number of assignments, combined with other worldly responsibilities, to read and hunt for books as regularly as I would have liked. So when one of my classmates suggested I read 'Dharma Bums' by Jack Kerouac, I was warmed by the Friday afternoon suggestion. Although I much prefer to crawl up under a tree with a physical copy of a book, my responsibilities demanded otherwise so I searched up 'Dharma Bums' online and got stuck into reading it.
It didn't take long to figure out that this book aligned with my beliefs about life and I found myself wanting to keep on reading it. If I'm being completely honest, I'm abstaining myself from finishing it simply because I find the writing so enlightening and I want it to keep going. However I know it must come to an end, let's just say I'm planning a timely demise, waning myself off gently.
To say that 'Dharma Bums' is only a book would be too simple. Written in the 1950's about the Beat Generation, Jack Kerouac writes about a man's adventures through meditation, Buddhism and compassion. Exploring ideas of being a free-spirit and not following the social norms, the book shows readers a simple life that isn't complicated by material desires.
The positivity and compassion that this story evokes really resonates with me. It's fragrant language and beauty promotes a happier and simpler outlook on life, which only confirms strengthens my beliefs about spirituality and positive outlooks. Plus it's super awesome to find a book which speaks so highly and prominently features meditation!
So consider this a suggestion from one soul to another, 'Dharma Bums' is a story that will alter your outlook on life and make you appreciate the smaller things.